วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Life of the Buddha

The Life of the Buddha Part II

Soon After the Enlightenment

1. What did the Buddha utter soon after His Enlightenment?
He uttered a Paean of Joy (Udana).

2. Recite His first Paean of Joy?
Thro' many a birth in Samsara wandered I.
Seeking, but not finding, the builder of this house.
Sorrowful is repeated birth.
O house-builder! Thou art seen.
Thou shall build no house again
All thy rafters are broken thy ridgepole id shattered.
The mind attains the unconditioned.
Achieved is the end of craving. (1)

3. How did the Buddha live after Enlightenment?
The Buddha fasted for seven weeks. (2)

4. Did He feel hungry?
No, He was enjoying Nibbanic bliss.

5. How did He spend the first week?
Throughout the first week, He sat under the Bodhi Tree enjoying the Bliss of Freedom.

6. What did He do on the seventh day?
He medicate on the "Wheel of Life."

7. How did He spend the second week?
He stood at a certain distance gazing at the Bodhi Tree with motionless eyes. (3)

8. Why did he do so?
He did so as a mark of gratitude to the tree.

9. In what way was the Bodhi Tree helpful to the Buddha?
The tree only gave Him shelter during His struggle for Buddhahood.

10. What was the first lesson the Buddha taught to the world?
The great lesson of Gratitude.

11. How did he spend the third week?
He walked up and down a jeweled promenade
( Tatana Camkamana).

12. How did he spend the fourth week?
Sitting in a chamber, He meditated on the Higher Dhamma (Abhidhamma).

13. How did He spend the fifth week?
He sat under the Ajapala Banyan tree.

14. Who came to tempt Him at this time?
Three daughters of Mara came to tempt Him.

15. Mention their names.
Tanha, Arati and Raga.

16. Could they be passions?
They cannot be passions because this happened after the Enlightenment.

17. Where did He spend the sixth week?
Under the Mucalinda Tree.

18. What happened during this week?
It rained heavily and a serpent king sheltered Him.

19. What happened on the 50th day?
Two merchants named Tapussa and Bhallika offered Him dried Flour and honey.

20. What did they do after the Dana?
They sought refuge in the Buddha and Dhamma.

21. How did they seek refuge?
Bu reciting Buddham saranam gacchami, Dhammam saranam gacchami.

22. Why didn't they seek refuge in the Sangha?
Because there was no Sangha then.

23. Did they want anything from the Buddha?
Yes, they wanted something to worship.

24. What did the Buddha give them?
The Buddha touched His head and gave them some hair relic.

25. Where are they enshrined now?
They are enshrined in the Shve Dagon pagoda in Rangoon.

26. Who were the first Upasakas of the Buddha?
Tapussa and Bhallika were the first Upasakas.

27. Who is an Upasaka?
An Upasaka is a lay follower of the Buddha.

(1) -Udana in Pali
Anekajati samaram sandhavissam anibbisam
Gehakarakam gavesanto dukkha jati punapunam
Gahakaraka dittho'si puna geham na kahasi
Sabba te phasuka bhagga gahakutam visamkhitam
Visamkharagatam cittam tanhanam khayamajjhaga.

(2) - Christ fasted for forty days.
(3)- On the spot where the Buddha stood a Cetiya has been erected by the king Dhammasoka. This was named Animisalocana Cetiya and is still to be seen.

The Buddha Teaches the Dhamma
28. What did the Buddha think of His Dhamma?
He thought how deep His Dhamma was and how hard it would be for people to understand.

29. Who appeared before Him then?
Brahma Sahampati appeared before Him and invited Him to preach the Dhamma.

30. Did He find people who could understand Him?
With His Divining Eyes He looked and saw that there were people who could understand the Dhamma.

31. To whom did the Buddha think of teaching the Dhamma first?
To Alara Kalama who was His first teacher.

32. Did He preach to him?
No, He understood that he died a week ago.

33. Of whom did He think next?
He thought of Uddaka Ramaputta who was His second teacher.

34. What had happened to Him?
The Buddha understood that he had also died the evening before.

35. Finally of whom did the Buddha think?
He thought of the five monks who attended of Him.

36. Where were they staying then?
They were staying at Isipatana, in Benares.

37. What were their names?
Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama, and Assaji.

38. Did the Buddha go to see them?
Out of compassion the Buddha went to see them.

39. Did He meet any person on the way?
He met one Upaka, a wandering ascetic.

40. What did Upaka ask the Buddha?
He asked who the Buddha's teacher was.

41. What did the Buddha reply?
The Buddha replied that He had no teacher.

42. Why, were no Alara Kalama and Uddaka Rammaputta His teacher?
They were His teachers before His Enlightenment. For Buddha hood He had no teachers.

43. What did the five monks think seeing the Buddha from afar?
They thought not to give Him due respect as He had given up striving.

44. What happened as the Buddha drew near?
They could not refrain from giving Him due respect.

45. How did they address the Buddha?
They address Him 'Avuso Gotama'.

46. What did the Buddha say?
The Buddha advised them not to call Him thus as He was a Buddha.

47. Did they believe His word?
They did not believe Him though the Buddha said so for the second and third time.

48. What did the Buddha say then?
The Buddha asked them. Do you know, O Bhikkhus, that I ever spoke to you thus before.

49. Was the Buddha able to convince them?
Yes, He was able to convince them.

50. Did they get ready to hear the Dhamma?
Yes, they sat patiently to hear the Dhamma.

The First Sermon
51. What was the name of the Buddha's first semon?
Dhammacakka Sutta.

52. What Does Dhammacakka mean?
It means the establishment of wisdom, or The Wheel of Truth.

53. On what day was this sermon preached?
On the Asalha ( Esala-July) Fullmoon day.

54. Where did the Buddha preach this sermon?
At the Deer Park, in Isipatana, near Benares.

55. Who were present to hear the sermon?
Amongst human being the five monks.

56. Who else were present?
We are told that there were many Devas and Brahmas too.

57. How did the Buddha start the Sermon?
By advising the monks to give up the two extremes.

58. What were those two extremes?
The enjoyment of sensual pleasure, and the tormenting of the body. (Self-indulgence and Self-mortifications).

59. Should all give up pleasures?
No, this advice was given to those who had given up the world.

60. Why did the Buddha way about the tormenting of the body?
Because the people believed in useless penances to gain purity.

61. Did these five monks believe in these penances?
Yes, they had a great faith in them.

62. Did the Buddha also go to these extremes?
Yes, as a prince he enjoyed sensual pleasures. As an ascetic he practiced many penances.

63. What was the path discovered by the Buddha?
He discovered the Middle Path.

64. What is the Pali word for Middle Path?
Majjhima Patipada.

65. Why did the Buddha give up these extremes?
Because they were not profitable.

66. What is this Middle Path?
It is the Noble Eight Fold Path.

67. To what does this Middle Path lead?
It leads to Nibbana.

68. Mention the first two members of the Eightfold Path?
Right understanding (Samma Ditthi) and Right thought (Samma Samkappa).

69. Mention the second three?
Right Speech (Samma Vaca) , Right Action (Samma Kammanta), and Right Livelihood (Samma Ajiva).

70. Mention the last three?
Right Effort (Samma Vayama), Right Mindfulness (Samma Sati) and Right Concentration (Samma Samadhi).

71. What else did the Buddha teach in His first discourse?
He taught the Four Noble Truths.

72. What are they?
Sorrow, its Cause, its End, and the Way to its End.

73. What did the Buddha say with regard to them?
He said that light arose in things which He had not heard before.

74. What is the cause of sorrow?
Craving is the cause of sorrow.

75. What is the end of sorrow?
Nibbana is the end of sorrow.

76. When did the Buddha say that He was an Enlightened One?
Only after He understood these Four Noble Turths.

77. What happened at the end of discourse?
Kondanna, understood the Dhamma and became a Sotapanna.

78. What do you mean by a Sotabanna?
One who has attained the first Stage of Sainthood. It means a Stream-winner, one who has seen Nibbana for the first time.

79. What did the Devas and Brahmas do?
They all shouted Sadhu, Sadhu!

80. Did anything strange happen?
Yes, a very bright light appeared in the world.

81. What happened to the other four monks?
They also became Sotapannas later.

82. Did they become Arahans?
They became Arahans after hearing the Anattalakkhana Sutta.

83. With what does this Sutta deal?
It deals with No-Soul.

84. What do you mean by an Arahan?
An Arahan means a Worthy One.

The Sixty Arahans
85. Who was the sixth disciple of the Buddha?
Yasa Kolabutta, a rich man's son was His sixth disciple.

86. How was he converted?
Disliking the world, he ran away from his house at night without informing any. Meeting the Buddha, he heard the Dhamma and became an Arahan.

87. What happened to his father?
His father became the first lay follower (Upasaka) who sought refuge in the Triple Gem.

88. What happened to his mother and wife?
They became the Buddha's first Upasikas who sought refuge in the Triple Gem.

89. Had Yasa any friends?
He had fifty-four noble friends.

90. Were they also converted?
Yes, they too heard the Dhamma and became Arahan, reaching Arahatship.

91. How many Arahans were then besides the Buddha?
There were altogether sixty Arahans in the world.

92. Did the Buddha found any new Order?
With these sixty Arahan the Buddha fouded the Noble Order of the Sangha.

93. What was the Buddha's advice to them?
"Go forth, O Bhikkhus, for the good of the many. Preach the Dhamma for the happiness of the many. Proclaim the Holy Life".

94. What did these first missioners do?
They went alone in various directions to preach the Dhamma.

95. What did the Buddha do?
The Buddha also went alone on foot to preach His new Dhamma.

The Buddha's Teaching (Ministry)
96. How long did the Buddha's teaching last?
Forty-five years.

97. Was His ministry a success?
His ministry was the most successful and longest of all the religious teachers.

98. What were the causes of His success?
His noble personality, the greatness of the Dhamma, and the methods used to teach the Dhamma.

99. Had He many supporters?
Yes, He had many supporters like King Kosala, King Bibisara, Anathapinkika, and Visakha.

100. Had He any opponents?
Yes, Devadatta, His own cousin and pupil, was His chief opponent.

101. Had He any opposition?
Yes, He had opposition from rival sects, but He faced them bravely.

102. Whose kingdom did the Buddha visit first?
The kingdom of King Bimbisara.

103. What did the Buddha preached there?
The Buddha preached the Maha Narada Kassapa Jataka.

104. Was the king converted?
Yes, the king became a Sotapanna.

105. Did the king make any offering?
The king offering the Bamboo Grove (Veluvanarama), to the Buddha and the Sangha.

The First Two Chief Disciples
106. Who were the Buddha's first two chief disciples?
Venerable Sariputta and Moggallana.

107. Who was Sariputta?
He was the son of a Brahmin lady named Sari.

108. Had he another name?
His other name was Upatissa.

109. Who was Moggallana?
He was the son of a Brahmin lady named Moggali.

110. Had he another name?
His other name was Kolita.

111. What did these two friends, Sariputta and Moggallana do?
They realized the vanity of worldly pleasures and wanted to seek Peace.

112. To whom did they go first?
They went to a teacher named Sanjaya.

113. Were they pleased with his teaching?
No, Dissatisfied with his teaching, they left him.

114. Whom did Sariputta meet later?
He met Arahat Assaji.

115. Did he preach on the law of cause and effect?
Yes, he preached on the law of cause and effect.

116. Recite the verse he preached.
"Of things that Tathagata has told.
Their cause that Tathagata has told.
And also their cessation.
Thus teachers the Great Ascetic.

117. Was Sariputta able to understand the Dhamma ?
On hearing the first two lines, he became a Sotapanna.

118. What happened to Moggallna?
What Sariputta went and repeated the verse to Moggallna he also became Sotapanna.

119. Did they go to see the Buddha later?
Yes. They saw the Buddha and after hearing Dhamma from Him they attained Arahatship.

120. Did they make any request?
They request the Buddha to admit into the Order.

121. How were they admitted?
By the mere words-Etha Bhikkhave.Come.O Bhikkhus.

122. What position were they give in the Order?
The Buddha made Arahan Sariputta His fist chief disciple, and Arahan Moggallana His second chief disciple.

Buddha Visits His Birthplace
123. Did the Buddha visit His birthplace?
The Buddha visited His birthplace as desired by His father.

124. Who urged Him to do so?
The Minister Kaludayi, who was a playmate of the Buddha.

125. How long did the Buddha take to walk to Kapilavatthu?
As He Went preaching the Dhamma on the way it took two months.

126. Did the elderly Sakyas give Him due respect?
No, they were proud and they put forward younger ones to salute Him.

127. How did the Buddha overcome their pride?
By rising into the sky and showing the "Twin Wonder" (Yamaka Patihariya).

128. What is this Twin Wonder?
By His mental powers the Buddha makes water and fire issue from the pores of His body at the same time.

129. Seeing this Wonder, what did the King do?
He saluted Him at once saying that it was his third salutation.

130. What did other Sakyas do then?
They also paid Him due respect.

131. What was the name of the Jataka the Buddha preached to His relatives?
Vessantara Jataka.

132. What did the Buddha do on the day after His arrival?
With bowl in hand He went from house to house seeking alms in the streets of Kapilavatthu.

133. Hearing that He was seeking alms, what did the king do?
The king went up to Him and asked Him why He was disgracing him thus.

134. What did the Buddha reply?
The Buddha replied that it was the custom of all the Buddhas.

135. Did the king see the light of Truth?
The king at first became a Sotapanna. Then he became a Sakadagami. Hearing the Dhammapala Jataka, he became an Anagami. On his death-bed he became an Arahan.

136. What do you mean by Sakadagami?
Sakadagami means "Once-Returner". He who attains this second Stage of Sainthood is born in this world only once.

137. What do you mean by Anagami?
Anagami means a "Never-Returner". He who attains this third Stage of Sainthood is no more reborn in this world. After death he is born in the pure Abodes (Suddhavasa) till he attains Arahatship.

138. What do you mean by an Arahan?
Arahan means a Worthy Once. He who attains this fourth Stage of Sainthood is no more reborn anywhere. After death he attains Parinibbana.

139. Did Princess Yasodhara come to salute the Buddha?
She thought: Surely if there is any virtue in me the noble Lord Himself will come to see me. Then I will pay my respect.

140. Did the Buddha go to see her?
Out of compassion the Buddha went to see her.

141. What did she do seeing the Buddha?
She clasped his ankles, and placing her head on His Feet, respected Him as she liked.

142. What did King Suddhodana say about her?
He praised her and told the Buddha about her loyalty.

143. Did she enter the Order?
She later entered the Order and became an Arahan.

144. What happened to His step-brother Nanda?
He also entered the Order and become an Arahan.

145. Seeing the Buddha, what did the prince Rahula do?
As advised by the mother, he went up to the Buddha and asked for his inheritance.

146. Did Rahula say anything?
He said: "O Ascetic, your shadow is pleasing to me."

147. What was his age then?
He was only seven years old.

148. Did he enter the Order?
He was admitted into the Order at seven. Later he became an Arahan.

149. Who was Ananda?
He was the cousin of the Buddha.

150. Did he join the Order?
He joined the Order and became a Sotapanna.

151. What position did he hold in the Order?
He became the Treasurer of the Dhamma. He was also the favorite attendant of the Buddha.

152. When did he attain Arahatship?
He attained Arahatship after the Death of the Buddha.

153. Did he do any important thing?
He rehearsed the Dhamma at the first Council.

154. Did he do any service to women?
He pleaded for the establishment of the Order of Nuns.

155. Who was Devadatta?
Devadatta was the cousin and the brother-in-low of the Buddha.

156. What can you say of his life?
He joined the Order and was at first a good Bhikkhu.Later he became a greatest enemy of the Buddha.

157. What did he do to the Buddha?
He tried to kill the Buddha.

158. What was his end?
Owing to his evil deeds he was born in a woeful state.

159. What will be his future state?
He will become a Private Buddha named Satthissara.

160. What happened to Maha Pajapati Gotami?
After the death of King Sudhodana, she joined the Order of Nuns and became an Arahan.

161. Who requested the Buddha to find the Order of Nuns?
Maha Pajapti Gotami.

162. Who were the two chief disciples in the Order of Nuns?
Khema and Uppalavanna were the two chief female disciple.

163. Who founded the first society for women?
The Buddha founded the first society for women.

164. Does the Order of Nuns still exist?
The Order of Nuns is extinct now.

Buddha's Supporters
165. Who helped the Buddha to make His mission a success?
Kings and Millionaires helped Him.

166. Who were His Royal Patrons?
King Bimbisara, King Kosala, King Ajatasattu.

167. Who was His royal Patron?
Anathapindika, the Millionaire.

168. Did he offer the Buddha a monastery?
He offered Jetavanarama.

169. Who was His chief female supporter (Dayika)?
Visakha, a very generous lady?

170. What was the name of the Temple she offered?

171. In which monasteries did the Buddha spend most of His time?
In Jetavanarama and Pubbarama at Savatthi.

172. Are their ruins still to be seen?
Their ruins could still be seen at Sahet-Mahet.

The Buddha's Pari-Nibbana
173. What was the Buddha's last advice?
Strive with diligence.

174. Mention it in Pali?
Appamadena Sampadetha.

175. What did the Buddha say with regard to the best form of worship?
The Buddha said: He honors me best who practices my teaching best.

176. Who gave the Buddha's last meal?
Cunda, the smith.

177. What were the most meritorious meals given to the Buddha?
The first meal before he became a Buddha and the last meal before He passed away.

178. Who was the Buddha's last convert?
The ascetic Subhadda was the last convert.

179. Did the Buddha appoint a successor before He passed away?
No, He advised His disciples to regard His Teaching as their teacher.

180. How did the Buddha pass away?
He attained to Jhana and passed away without any sorrow.

181. Where did the Buddha pass away?
The Buddha passed away at Kusinara.

182. In which year did He pass away?
In His 80th year.

183. On what Fullmoon day?
In the Vesak Fullmoon day.

184.How many years before Christ did the Buddha pass away?
543 years before Christ.

185. Can we see the Buddha today?
Yes, The Buddha says: He who sees the Dhamma sees me.

186. What was done to His sacred body?
His sacred body was cremated 7 days after His death.

187. What happened to His relics?
They were distributed among His distinguished followers.

188. Are these relics still to be seen?
Yes, the Tooth Relic is still to be seen at the Temple of the Tooth in Ceylon.

189. Did any important event take place after the cremation?
Four months after the cremation the First Council was held to recite the Dhamma and the Vinaya of the Buddha.

190. Where was this Council held?
This council was held at Rajagaha.

191. Who presided at the First Council?
Arahan Kassapa.

192. Who are chosen to recite the Vinaya and the Dhamma?
Arahan Upali for Vinaya and Aranhan Ananda for Dhamma.

193. Why was this Council held?
In Order that the Teaching of the Buddha may last long in all its purity.

194. What is the Pali word for the whole Teaching of the Buddha?
Tipitaka, which means Three Baskets.

195. Does this Tipitaka still exist?
Yes, the Tipitaka still exist in its purity.

196. When was the Tipitaka first written?
The Tipitaka first written in Ceylon about B.E. 434.

197. What is the First Pitaka.
The First is the Vinaya Pitaka-the Basket of Discipline.

198. What is the second Pitaka?
The Second is the Sutta Pitaka-the Basket of Discourses.

199. What is the Third Pitaka?
The Third is the Basket of Ultimate Things Abhidhamma Pitaka.

200. How big is the Tipitaka?
It is about eleven times the size of the Bible.

Part III
How One Becomes a Buddhist

1. How does one become a Buddhist?
One becomes a Buddhist by taking the Three Refuges.

2. What are the Three Refuges?
The Three Refuges are the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha.

3. What is the Pali word for the Three Refuges?
Trisarana is the Pali word for the Three Refuges.

4. Who is the Buddha?
The Buddha is the All-Knowing One.

5. Why do you seek refuge in the Buddha?
I seek refuge in the Buddha because He taught us the way to end all suffering.

6. Is the Buddha your teacher?
Yes, the Buddha is our greatest teacher.

7. What is the Dhamma?
The Dhamma is the Doctrine taught by the Buddha.

8. Why do you seek refuge in the Dhamma?
I seek refuge in the Dhamma because it is the only path.

9. What is the Sangha?
The Sangha is the Holy Order founded by the Buddha.

10. Why do you seek refuge in the Sangha?
I seek refuge in the Sangha because they are the Holy disciples who have understood the Dhamma.

The Three Refuges
11. How do you recite the first refuge in Pali?
Buddham saranam gacchami.

12. What does it mean?
To the Buddha I go for the Refuge.

13. How do you recite the second refuge in Pali?
Dhammam saranam gacchami.

14. What does it mean?
To the Dhamma I go for Refuge.

15. How do you recite the third refuge in Pali?
Sangham saranam gacchami.

16. What does it mean?
To the Sangha I go for Refuge.

17. How do you recite the Refuge for the second time?
We add- Dutiyam'pi which means secondly.

18. How do you recite the Refuge in the Third time?
We add-Tatiyam'pi which means thirdly.

19. Recite the Tisarana Formula three times.
Buddham saranam gacchami
Dhammam saranam gacchami
Sangham saranam gacchami

Dutiyam'pi Buddham saranam gacchami
Dutiyam'pi Dhammam saranam gacchami
Dutiyam'pi Sangham saranam gacchami

Tatiyam'pi Buddham saranam gacchami
Tatiyam'pi Dhammam saranam gacchami
Tatiyam'pi Sangham saranam gacchami

20. What do recite before taking refuge?
We recite thrice: Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa.

21. What does it mean?
It means: Homage to Him, the Holy One, the Pure One, and the Fully Enlightened One.

22. Why do you recite this formula?
We recite this Pali formula as remark of respect to the Buddha.

23. Is there a shorter form also?
Yes, Namo Buddhaya.

24. What does it mean?
Homage or honor to the Buddha.

25. Can any one become a Buddhist?
Any one who believes in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha can become a Buddhist.

26. Are there any rites to observe?
No, there are no special rites to observe.

27. What is the name given to a Buddhist?
Upasaka to males, and Upasika to females.

28. What does the Pali term mean?
It means one who associates with the Triple Gem or the Three Refuges.

The Five Precepts
29. Are there any commandments for Buddhist to observe?
There are no commandments but precepts to observe.

30. What is the Pali word for precept?
Sikhapada, also known as Pañcasila.

31. What does it denote?
It denotes-Means of discipline, or good behavior.

32. What is the first precept?
The first precept is not to kill.

33. What is the second precept?
The second precept is not to steal.

34. What is the third precept?
The third precept is not commit sexual misconduct, or not to be a bad child.

35. What is the fourth precept?
The fourth precept is not to lie.

36. What is the fifth precept?
The fifth precept is not to drink liquor or drug substances.

37. Give the first precept in Pali!
Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.

38. What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up killing.

39. Give the second precept in Pali!
Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.

40. What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up stealing.

41. Give the third precept in Pali!
Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.

42. What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up sexual misconduct.

43. Give the fourth precept in Pali!
Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.

44. What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up lying.

45. Give the fifth precept in Pali!
Surameraya majjapamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.

46. What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up liquor that tends to obsession and carelessness.

47. How does one become a good Buddhist?
By observing these five precepts well.

48. Why do you not kill?
I do not kill out of pity for others.

49. What is the good of giving up killing?
I become kind and full of pity.

50. Why do you not steal?
I do not steal because I have no right to take what is not given.

51. What is the good of giving up stealing?
I become honest.

52. Why do you not become unchaste?
I do not become unchaste because I do not wish to be a child of bad character.

53. What is the good of giving up unchastity?
I become pure and good.

54. Why do you not lie?
I do not lie because no body would then believe me.

55. What is the good of giving up lying?
I become truthful and trustful.

56. Why do you not drink liquor?
I do not drink because it leads to carelessness and loss of all senses.

57. What is the good of giving up drinking?
I become very careful and my senses become very clear.

Homage to the Buddha
58. Do you regard the Buddha as a God?
No, He is even greater than Gods.

59. Do you believe in a God-Creator?
There is no reason to believe in God-Creator.

60. Do you worship image and Trees?
We do not worship images and Trees.

61. Why do you then worship the image of the Buddha?
We only pay respect to what that image stands for.

62. Why do you worship the Bodhi Tree?
Bodhi Tree stands for Enlightenment By saluting the Bodhi tree, we pay respect to Buddhahood.

63. Do you pray to the Buddha?
We do not pray to any one. When we pray we become a prey.

64. What do you say before the Buddha's image?
We recite His virtues.

65. What is the use of an image?
An image helps us to think of the Buddha easily.

66. Can anyone think of the Buddha without an image?
An intelligent person can do so.

67. Why do you offer flowers and incense to the Buddha?
We do so as an outward form of respect to the Buddha.

68. What do you think when you are offering flowers?
We think that as those flowers fade we also fade and die.

69. What is the best way to respect the Buddha?
Sadhu means excellent.

70. What is the best way to respect the Buddha?
By following His advice.

71. What is the advice of all the Buddha?
Sabba papassa akaranam
Sacitta pariyodapanam
Etam Buddhana sasanam.

72. What does that means?
Not to do evil,
To do good,
To purify one's mind,
This is the advice of all the Buddhas.

73. What is the Pali word for evil?
Papa or Akusala is the Pali word for evil.

74. What is evil?
Evil is that which soils our mind.

75. Why is anything evil?
Because it causes suffering to oneself and others.

76. What are the roots of evil?
The roots of evil are lust, hatred and lack of ignorance.

77. What are their Pali terms?
Lobha, dosa and moha.

78. How many kinds of evil are there?
There are ten kinds of evil.

79. How are they causes?
They are caused by deeds, words, and thoughts.

80. How many kinds of evil caused by deeds?
There kinds of evil are caused by deeds.

81. What are they?
They are killing, stealing, and misconduct.

82. How many kinds of evil are caused by words?
Four kinds of evil are caused by words.

83. What are they?
Lying, Slandering, Harsh Speech, and Vain Talk.

84. How many kinds of evil are caused by thoughts?
Three kinds of evil are caused by thoughts.

85. Mention them!
Greediness, anger, and wrong views

86. What is the Pali word for good?
Kusala and Bunna is the Pali word for good.

87. What is good?
That which cleanses one's mind is good.

88. Why is anything good?
Because it gives happiness to oneself and others.

89. Is there another term for good?
Merit is another term for good.

90. How many kinds of merit are there?
There are three kinds of merit.

91. Mention them!
They are Dana, Sila, and Bhavana.

92. What is Dana?
Dana is charitable giving or generosity.

93. What is Sila?
Sila is morality or virtuous conduct.

94. What is Bhavana?
Bhavana is medition.

95. What do you give up by generosity?

96. What do you give up by morality?
Ill-will or hatred.

97. What do you give up by meditation?

98. Can the children practice charitable giving?
Yes, by helping the needy and the poor, and by helping those who are worthy of honour.

99. Who are those worthy of honour?
They are parents, teachers, elders, and Holy Ones.

100. Can children practice morality?
Yes, by observing the precepts.

101. Can children practice meditation?
Yes, they can practice some kinds of meditation.

102. What is the meditation for children?
Loving - kindness.

103. How should ones practice loving-kindness?
By repeating every morning and night ten times: May all being be well and happy!

104. Is there any other form?
"Creatures all beneath the sun,
Two feet, four feet, more or none,
How I love you every one."

105. Recite another verse!
"All ye creatures that have birth,
Breathe and move upon the earth;
Happy be ye one and all,
Never into mischief fall."


Guard Earnestness
The ignorant, foolish folk indulge in heedlessness; But the wise man guards earnestness as the greatest treasure.

Mind Your Own Business
He should not regard the faults of others, things done and left undone by others, but his own deeds done and undone.

Practice is More Important
As a flower that is lovely and beautiful, but is scentless, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who practices it not.

Many words are not Necessary
Better than a thousand useless words, is a single scentless; even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who practices it not.

Respect the Elders
For one who ever honors and respects the elders,four blessing increase-age, beauty, bliss, and power.

Single Day of Virtuous Life
Though he should live a hundred years, immoral and uncontrolled; yet better, indeed, is it to live a single day, virtuous and meditative.

No Man is Free from Blame and Praise
There never was, there never will be, nor is there now, A person who is wholly blamed or wholly praised.

Parting Word of the Buddha
Transient are conditioned things. Try to accomplish your aim with diligence.

